Something There

Photo by Natu00e3 Romualdo on

Relationships with others sometimes change or evolve into something we didn’t expect or want, and sometimes that evolution looks like distance and separation of a shared path into two different paths. I feel at peace with this truth and yet a sadness too. But there’s something more than sadness this time around. Something deeper that is asking to be seen- no longer overlooked or ignored. 

I read about how some relationships call you. This resonated with me. It says relationships may “call you” because there is something about, and in, the other that is in you too. And it is from this connection- however imperfect- that you’re called to recognize, come into communion with, and own for yourself.

In this other is a gift that they bring to the table by simply being who they are. This calling to one another is actually your own soul recognizing a need to grow and expand, desiring to own those features for yourself. Once you do, you’re actually more free to be in an open and loving relationship with them that can grow further together or go different ways. Because you aren’t looking for THEM to bring that element to your life anymore, you’re free to be with them just to be with them or free to grow without.

I think that’s true. 

I love me and who I’m becoming, but there are elements in others that I really like. I want to cultivate those things for myself and make my own. I think that’s okay. I think it’s great actually.

Funny enough, with these additions, I actually like myself even more. Slowly but surely, I’m making myself into all the things I connect to and love. These people may not be in my life like I thought or hoped for, but they are a piece of me and my story. And that’s pretty neat. It makes me grateful for all of it. However it turns out and unfolds.

So I’m ending with a clichĂ©: Life is like a mosaic. A mosaic of all these “somethings” that called out to us and we connected with. And that seems pretty lovely.

I’ll take it. 

Thanks, dear friends.

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